

Switchless is currently looking for late seed/early series A investment. The next steps in Switchless’ journey are large-scale manufacturing and team expansion. Switchless currently does not have the finances to make these vital steps happen. However, below are listed the major points Switchless has accomplished to get to this point, and are a reference for the company’s current standing:

  • Fully Completed Product (prototypes and MVP’s completed and tested)

  • Utility and Design Patents Pending

  • Establishment of Switchless as an LLC (looking to eventually elect to a C-Corp)

  • Agreement with Manufacturing Partners (Fantem Technologies will manufacture for Switchless, simply waiting for payment to begin)

  • Launched and Completed a Successful Kickstarter Campaign (Over 300% funded)

Below are the immediate next steps Switchless hopes to take with the support of investment:

  • Begin large scale manufacturing of the Switchless Smart TOGGLE unit, and the Switchless CLIMATE Cover Plate with Fantem Technologies

  • Complete all certifications and testing requirement of the product after the first manufactured products are completed

  • Fund the development and manufacturing of the next Switchless products, such as the Switchless Smart DIMMER unit and the Switchless MOTION + CLIMATE Cover Plate

  • Hiring the next members of the Switchless team: Software developers are needed for the development of the next wave of Switchless products and abilities

Switchless is ready to take the next big steps to become a household name in the smart home martket, through the large scale manufacturing of our product, and the expansion of our team. However, we need the financial support of experienced and trusted partners to make this happen.

If interested in investment opportunities with Switchless, please reach out to